
Latest on free online analytics course reviews and recommendations

As we continue learning analytics by auditing courses on We have more updates for you! The courses we took and our reviews are: SQL for data science course  - Social Network Analysis  -   Data Science Methodology  - y Tableau Dashboards and Storytelling  -   Business Analytics & Digital Media  - Digital Marketing Analytics in Theory Course Experience  -    Analytics with six sigma in 2021 Data Analytics for Lean Six Sigma -

Online Analytics Courses Review and a Check List

 As we continue to take free online analytics courses to provide reviews, we've come across this checklist A checklist to track your Data Science progress  by Pascal Janetzky . It is intended for users looking for a genral outline of where they are on their journey of learning Data Science. There are courses to learn each of these items, and many also offer auditing/free trial options as well. Happy learning!

Do you need a Master's Degree to be a Data Scientist in 2021???

Found a great, very informative article titled Do You Need A Masters Degree to Become a Data Scientist?  on TowardsDataScience . As it is asking what many are wondering about. The author, Rashida Nasrin Sucky  takes you through her journey of acquiding Data Science skills through a variety of online courses including Coursera. She also provides a a list of high-quality free resources that can be used to become an expert in the field, based on her own experiences. Worth cheking it out!

Here we go!

 Are you interested in taking an online courses to boost your Analytics skillsets? There are a wide variety of online courses available to learn any soft skills and hard skills. While some of these courses are free (or even "teasers"), there are ways to sample the course contents before making a full commitment. One of the best ways is the  auditing  option available through .  First, create an account on, and then search the courses available for auditing by entering keywords and then "free" If you see a course you like, click where syas "enroll for free" and then select the "Audit this course" option.  That's it! On this website we will be offering reviews of seven Analytics-related courses (auditing option) and share with you our recommendations based on our own experiences!